Islanders killed in fight

The Bunabun rural health centre that was forced to close on Friday after the fight between the Manam settlers and the Bunabun people.

THREE Manam settlers are dead and six others are nursing injuries at the Bunabun rural health centre following a fight in the care centre on Friday.
Pepaur aid post caretaker Kenny Mafisin told The National that the fight was between settlers and locals after an argument in which the locals claimed the settlers had stolen their garden crops.
He said the health centre and the primary school were closed and the small clinic where he worked was not providing health services to the people .
“The fight started on Friday, prompting health workers and teachers to close the school for fear of their safety,” he said.
Mafisin said two Bunabun youths were also nursing their injuries at home.
He said the situation was still tense and wanted Madang leaders to help as soon as possible. “The locals are still living in fear because lives had been lost,” he said.
A Bunabun leader said the Madang government and the responsible authorities should look into the issue of the Manam re-settlement and address it because they were losing many properties and also their children were affected and missing classes.
He said the closure of the primary school was a bad sign for students because they would be missing classes.
“The future of Bunabun people is now in the hands of our leaders,” he said.
“The elected leaders, especially Bogia and Sumkar MPs and the Madang Governor Peter Yama should look into this issue and address it. The natural disaster that we once saw is now becoming a law and order disaster in our village.”
The local leader said they had lost cash crops, properties and lives in the hands of the Manam settlers.
“We want our land back,” he said.
“The Government should address this issue.”