It is better to take action


THERE is something funny about the way people in positions of power actually come out public to complain rather than do something about whatever they perceive to be wrong.
Many times we hear ministers of state come charging out complaining about the state of affairs in their department or in government or in the country? How many times do we hear the same from the lips of members of parliament and from department heads and so on?
The question we ask is, if these people in positions of power are complaining, if they are implying to all that they are unable to do anything that the job at hand is beyond them, then all is lost.
If they cannot do it, then who is there to fix the problems being complained of.
The public also does not want to know what it already knows. It does not want to know about the conditions they live in daily being described again.
Some years back, we reported about an MP, who visited Port Moresby General Hospital and came out with a public statement stating that he was “shocked” at the state of affairs there.
We were actually shocked at his “shock”. He was a second time politician. Is he suggesting he has been on Mars or the Middle East in the past five years? Is he suggesting that this is the first time he has visited the hospital.
The conditions at that time and that of many other hospitals and health centres had been spoken of, reported and debated for years. Plus, shock does not translate to action. What we would have welcomed most would be if that MP or any other one of them could move legislation and initiate an inquiry into why there is dire shortage of essential medicine and equipment in hospitals throughout the country? That is action, not talk or shock.
Quite interesting, that some new MPs will soon be travelling back to province and again expressed shock and disbelief at the state of schools, water supply, sanitary services. Really, nobody wants to know. It is nothing new to them. What the people most want to know is what is going to be done about the state of affairs in schools, hospitals, and communities in that province and elsewhere.
Action is what is needed, not words.
Words have the nasty tendency of remaining out in the mental ether and of re-emerging at some future date to condemn you.
We have gone past the stage of hearing of proposals. We want actual action, not proposed actions.
Our people want to proposals come to life.
Seeing action would be a breath of fresh air in the stuffy atmosphere of promises.