K22mil event for market in Goroka called off


By MALUM NALU in Goroka
The Goroka Market ground-breaking ceremony has been cancelled because the procurement process has not been completed.
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill was to have officiated at the event for the K22 million project yesterday after opening the K95 million Goroka Airport upgrade project. However, Acting Provincial Administrator Samson Akunai said yesterday that the event had been cancelled.
“We now realise that the procurement process is still in motion,” he said.
“That’s why it would be premature at this time to undertake the ground-breaking ceremony.
“That’s why this particular programme has been deferred to a later date to allow the procurement process.
“The tendering aspect of it has been completed.
“We have opened the sealed bidders already.
“Central Supply and Tenders Board people will come over from Port Moresby, hopefully this week.”