Kagua-Erave needs a visionary leader


The media’s reported case of transporting illegal and dangerous weapons for use by an aspiring Member of Parliament for Kagua-Erave Electorate is a shameful act and uncalled for. I commend the EHP Police for a job well done in the interception and seizure of police and Defence Force uniforms and dangerous weapons.
We the people of Kagua-Erave demand to know who the particular candidate is behind the transportation of the Police and Defence Force uniforms and dangerous guns and bullets.  The reported case is the first in this election by comparison in the country and especially in the highlands and a shame.
We do not need your high powered guns and mercenaries in Kagua-Erave to allow for MPs who go off to sleep and day dream.
Kagua-Erave is a least developed Electorate in Southern Highlands.
There is no real change unlike other electorates even with first timer MPS.
In this election we need a person with good leadership qualities, one who understands development issues, who has a vision to bring about needed change to the electorate.

Pape Hali