Ladies taking over man’s world

National, Normal

The National – Wednesday, February 16, 2011

IN the past, men drove machines, wore boots, donned the helmets and held supervisory and management roles in the manufacturing and mining industries.
Nowadays though, this had changed as more and more women were getting into overalls and helmets and boots and holding supervisory and managerial jobs in what used to be labelled as a “man’s job”.
Many companies do their best to ensure women get as much recognition as their menfolk but one company in Lae was the first in the South Pacific region to have all women supervisors, and they operate machines and wear overalls, helmets and boots.
Enter, Boinamo Enterprises, Lae.
There, women power had taken a whole new meaning at Omili with a local company taking the lead in recognising the skills of its female staff and rewarding them with supervisory roles.