Lae market space


IT was reported in The National last Friday that Lae market’s limited space is affecting vendors.
Rightly so, since the number of vendors using the market facilities has greatly increased in recent years.
With this space limitation, vendors have often tussled among themselves over space to sell their items or goods.
To further compound this over-crowding issue, there has not been any major refurbishment to existing facilities.
Many vendors are still selling their items or produce out in the open mud, without proper food stalls.Even the recently-extended new buildings to the eastern end of the market have not relieved or resolved the space issue at all.
Some years ago, after the closer of the Old Lae Airport, a re-development plan was designed and approved for development.
One of the sites within, and on a much larger scale, was designated for the new Lae Market and bus stop, facilities.
However, for reasons only known to the relevant national and local authorities, there has not been any attempt made to relocate the existing market and or bus stop facilities.
Lae city has experienced shortage of commercial and residential land.
I suggest that relevant authorities now make necessary arrangements for relocation to clear up the land for commercial uses.
These propositions could, however, be further delayed as the main trunk and arterial roads and other service installations within the Old Airport land sub-division have not been developed to date.
Perhaps both Lae MP Ross Rosso and Morobe Governor Ginson Saonu could start addressing these issues.

Lawrence Billy
Hospital Hill