Lagaip-Porgera should be separated


LAGAIP-Porgera, is one of the largest district in the country with a population of over 158,873.
It has a huge land mass which shares borders with East and West Sepik, Southern Highlands and Hela.
Despite the largest gross national income generating mining gold mine located in the electorate, it still lacks basic services and adequate infrastructure support for economic and social development.
We, the people of Lagaip-Porgera, should not blame our Members of Parliament for not delivering service into our respective local areas.
Five years of service is not enough for equally distributing of services throughout the district.
The Government recognises the Boundaries Commission to map out electoral boundaries and their main task is to assess and evaluate the current districts and, also, recommend and propose to the Government the creation of new electorates of a particular district/electorate if required.
Lagaip-Porgera should be separated into two by now but this process has been prolonged and it’s becoming a current issue.
The Boundaries Commission should be consistent with their duty and take this matter into account.
Also, local level government and council presidents should focus on this and speak up about this issue.
All the people of Laigap-Porgera want is to be recognised by the Government and have their own respective political representative after the split so that they can have equal access to goods and services.

Skipa Elvis Kis Kome
Sirunki, Enga