Landowners not satisfied with payments

National, Normal

The National, Tuesday 21st August, 2012

A LANDOWNER group is not satisfied with a settlement payment made by the National Lands Commission last Friday.Deed of Attestation 1047  Landowner Group spokesman Lahui Miria Gavera said although they were happy with the commission’s timely decisions, the amount paid was not satisfactory.

A meeting at the Motu-Koitabu Assembly headquarters yesterday found that most landowner representatives of Hanuabada, Elevala, Porebada and Korobosea saw the commission paying K467,550 as inadequate for the 787 hectares of their traditional land that is now used for industrial, commercial and infrastructure development in the capital city.Gavera said the land, traditionally known as Geauta, covered parts of Jackson Airport, National Capital District Commission, Boroko, Lahara Service Station, 5-Mile and National Broadcasting Corporation.

He said they had come up with two possible avenues to correct the settlement payment; either through the courts or use their elected members. in Moresby North-West’s Michael Malabag, Moresby North-East’s Labi Amaiu, Moresby South’s Justin Tkatchenko and National Capital District Governor Powes Parkop.

Gavera said the meeting was adjourned to Monday when their next steps would be decided and a delegation set up to address the issue.