Landowners warn of illegal deals

National, Normal

The National, Tuesday June 25th, 2013


THE customary landowners of the Ramu Two hydro project site in Yonki, Eastern Highlands, will not accept any land deals signed without their knowledge, a spokesman says.

Kafore Incorporated Land Group chairman Willie Numo said yesterday after a media report of a signing of a land deal between the Yati Group Ltd from Markham, Morobe, and Kapore Investment Ltd from Gadsup, Eastern Highlands.

“The Kafore ILG, as the legally recognised landowners of the Ramu Two hydro power project site, warn any so-called landowner groups around Yonki to be mindful of any dealings as there will be severe repercussions on their conduct,” Numo said.

He called on the Eastern Highlands government and the Kainantu and Obura-Wonenara MPs whose districts were involved in the project to form a committee with landowners to avoid so-called landowners taking Ramu Two hydro project as their stepping stone to lure goods and services for their own gain.

He said as the legitimate landowners, his ILG welcomed the consultancy agreement signed between the Independent Public Business Corporation and Parsons Brinkeroff Australia Pty Ltd for full detailed feasibility studies into the Ramu Two hydro project.