Large funds in LLG will test system

National, Normal

The National, Monday 6th May 2013

 WITH districts nationwide receiving K10 million each, it will be a test of the systems and interesting to see how local level governments translate these funds into tangible development impact that are consistent with their respective plans and priorities, a senior government officer says.

First secretary to the East New Britain regional member and deputy prime minister, Bernard Lukara issued this challenge last week when responding to questions raised on how local level governments would access the funds and who would be responsible for disbursement.

He said ENB already had a system in place to ensure direct budget support to local level governments was spent in accordance with their development priorities contained in their respective five year development plans.

“It means that all the 18 local level governments in ENB will directly receive K9 million in direct funding. It is, therefore, important that systems are in place to ensure proper application and accountability of these funds to create the desired results,” he said.

Lukara is confident that the ENB provincial administration will plan the expenditure through the LLG managers who will be the key people responsible for driving and effectively applying the proceeds for better and beneficial outcomes to the constituents and for overall development of the province and the country. 

“The government has done its part and the onus is now on all of us as beneficiaries and stakeholders to play our part to be active participants in development so that the good intentions of government can have a multiplier effect in our families and the communities we live.

“The normal excuses by government officers for lack of performance due to lack of money and other resources must be a thing of the past.

“It is no longer an issue of money.”