Law likely to be passed: Steven

Davis Steven

THE revised Organic Law on the Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates (Olippac) is most likely to be passed after the Government’s reforms on decentralisation and the leadership code, Deputy Prime Minister Davis Steven says.
He said National Executive Council (NEC) yesterday approved an amendment to the Constitution to allow for decentralisation and would look at reforming the leadership code next.
“The Marape-Steven Government may not be about infrastructure because we do not have the money, but it’s about the necessary reforms and laying strong foundations for the future of our country,” Steven told The National. “We may be short in cutting ribbons, but we want to be big in introducing necessary reforms that will hold together our union as a country and a democracy going into the future. We want to be the Government that prepares for the new PNG that we want to give over to the next generation.”
He said NEC was considering the passage of revised Olippac which needed to deal with managing the “culture of politics” to ensure that there was gender balance.