Leaders should work together


MANY Citizen believed that by voting faithful Christians into the Parliament would change our country.
Many were voted in with the hope of making differences in the past 43 years.
We proclaims ourselves as a Christian country and so we are all Christians.
Despite, changes made in the governing system corruption become tradition and norm in PNG politics.
Who and what type of person will totally transform PNG in terms of economy, military, education, agriculture, technology and most importantly empower the lives of our local populace.
Let me give an example with international leaders.
Adolf Hitler is known as extremist and world deadliest leader but, one important thing you could learn from him is the patriotism. He put his national sovereignty first.
He wanted to build the legacy of Germans, that’s how he become powerful.
Nelson Mandela the first South African President. He is long remembered throughout globe because of his vision and heart he has for his people. He sacrifice everything including his life for the sake of people.
He became the father of Apartheid which he unite the Black with the Whites just same as Dr Martin Luther King Jnr did in USA.
We also have Mahatma Ghandi in India, which he use peace as a strategy to remove all the foreign powers or domain in his country.
Now the whole point is, I don’t want to talk about history but, when you read the stories of the great leaders above, you will learn that they were man OF VISIONS and were great patriot of their respective countries.
They love their people more like their own precious lives.
They were courageous, brave, fearless, eloquent and transformative.
They have determination, willingness and enthusiasts’ heart so they made it happen for their people.
In PNG context we have Bryan Kramer who is a real patriot of PNG.
I am not being bias here to support BK but, as a matter of fact I am articulating what I think is true.
It’s time we Papua New Guineans work together and stand with person who has a vision and burning desire to serve us with dignity, accountability, transparency and honesty.

Nason Mul Solo