Less development


SINCE the 2017 general election, nothing tangible has transpired in Central, particularly the Abau and Rigo.
Improvements you see in Rigo is the work of previous member.
Look at the four Central districts and you will be surprised to see some are struggling, especially Abau.
One such example is the road from Launakalana to Maopa turn-off.
PMV’s and other motorist are making their own private roads to their Aroma Coast villages.
Other times they travel on the Magi Highway to Kupiano and get on the dinghy to Kelerakwa village.
If there are no PMVs waiting, they spend the night on the beach and travel to their respective villages the next day.
Our governor and MPs concerned, make an attempt to fix this problem.
Where are PSIP and DSIP allocations go to? We the people of Abau are now biting our tails because our member of parliament is pulling our tails.
Remember, actions speak louder than words.

Taku Vevili
Aroma Coast