Let Namah become PM for a change


A FORMER student at the University of PNG recalls: “There were five PNG Defence Force officers heading the protest: Major Walter Enuma; Capt Bola Renagi; Capt Belden Namah; Lt Michael David; and 2nd Lt Linus Osaba”.
These soldiers played a crucial role in stopping the mercenaries from going to Bougainville to kill the Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) fighters.
Every time Namah took the podium in his full military regalia to deliver a speech, he looked as the Napoleon Bonaparte that we read about in history books.
He could truly talk and had the students, soldiers and everyone standing on their toes with their adrenaline rising.
That was the first time I had heard and seen Namah, although from a distance. At the time I didn’t realise he would end up where he is now.
And Sir John Keegan, an English military historian, lecturer, writer and journalist who wrote many published works on the nature of combat between prehistory and the 21st century, covering land, air, maritime, intelligence warfare and the psychology of battle said: “Soldiers, when committed to a task, can’t compromise. Its unrelenting devotion to the standards of duty and courage, absolute loyalty to others, not letting the task go until it’s done”.
None surpasses Belden Norman Namah in stretching the constitution of our country to its limit and testing the robustness of our democracy.
He stands tall as a game changer in our political history and he alone contributed more that will be remembered as precedent.
Namah could make a good prime minister.
Not all great leaders are cut from the same cloth.
Great leaders such as Fidel Castro, Che Ernesto Guevara, Nelson Mandela, and Hugo Chavez were once revolutionaries who changed the course of their countries with their radical attributes.
Can we now let him lead the country in these trying times for a change?

David Lepi


  • David this is a absolute nonsense. BN twice given a chance and he (BN) given away the opportunity to PO. He does not have the credential for PM. This country does not a dictator military type of leadership, absolute nonsense! You need a God fearing leadership. Someone who can be Honest, reliable, true and genuine in his/her decision put God first in anything and everything he/she does. All those MPs are liars, thieves, dishonest and untrustworthy. No one (MPs) can be at the top post(PM) to rescue this resource rich black nation in the south pacific from corrupt practices and misuse and abuse of the public funds intended for improving the lively hood of the rural majority.

    • Joey, totally agree with you.

      David Lepi, what you’ve stated is 100 percent, total nonsense.

      How long have you known BN personally? Not once from a distance.
      This is like judging a book by its cover without knowing content of the story inside.

      You have to know a person for a lifetime before you know everything about him or her.

  • You are right David Lepi.
    Country continue to sink.
    Let BN have a go.
    No one has any strong PM credential before they became PM in PNG’s short history, more so with JM.
    Most politicians just use GOD’s name to cover up their evil.

  • David THE MAN NAME BLEDEN NAMA is not a normal MP like others,,,do you know what he has done in bougainville and just imagine,,what if he done this things in your province,,,bear in mind David no body is a stupid and idiot’s running this country and government. You have to know that James Marape is do his best to serve this country and remember we are in 20th century and not in the early days were you saw BLEDEN NAMA with a full defense uniform.

  • The likes of Belden Namah can go back and run the already corrupt Defence force. And put it back to where it was before, the pride of this nation. But not the PNG west minister system of government, if we a not careful we might bring in a Dictator…lukaut PNG….

  • BN for PM? Nah. Doesn’t fit the cap. The guy might still be suffering from the effects of war in Bougainville. . Look carefully every time he speaks. Heading a country is not the same as leading a army platoon. What he did during a supreme court session speaks volumes of the man. Only people with cool heads and management attitudes can lead a diverse country like ours. We pray for common sense to prevail over petty politics for the good of this country

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