Let’s be positive


THE coronavirus pandemic is now a global public health concern.
Though it reached Papua New Guinea, many will say it is too late for the Prime Minister James Marape as he should have acted a month or two ago.
The Government is now aggressive in its preparedness in containing the coronavirus.
Opposition MPs are joining hands to stop Covid-9 from spreading in the country.
We should understand that the world is at war with this virus.
This is a health crisis.
People should not be negative that we do not have the capacity and we would have a big problem if it spreads.
We should all be positive and go through this tough times and leave the rest in God’s hands.
This is not just a public health crisis.
It is a crisis that will touch every sector and all individuals should be involved in the fight and not just the Government.
We all have to stand up together to make a difference.

Ian Aima Serege,
Samari Kona