Letter in brief


Don’t blackmail the Govt:
I CONCUR with the Police Minister on his statement regarding selfish demands for allowances. Public Servants should understand the situation we are in and refrain from unnecessary demands and threats. Let the Government use the little resources on very vital tools and equipment needed to fight the coronavirus. The Government should not give in to blackmails. These are selfish people. As the Police Minister stated, “Ask what you can do for the country and not when you will get your allowance”.

Ultange Wane,
Waigani, Pelican st.


  • This is the time to show that you love your job not money, you have vowed and declared the bible to save lifes, in this critical circumstances we needed you to raise up and be at the forefront don’t complain all will fall in later. Our country man and woman youth and children we all in your capable hands.

  • This is very real and true. When people ask for extra allowances while paid on duty for this COVID-19 case, our little money will dry up and no money to buy medical drugs and equipment to help us protect and treat suspects.

    It is a worry for some of us. There is no Personal Protective Equipment as yet as I write this for many of the health institutions in the country.

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