Letters in brief


Ipatas challenged:
I was listening to NBC News two weeks ago and heard Sir Peter Ipatas mention he left government because for the last 10 years Prime Minister Peter O’Neill led the country to a very wrong direction.
My question to him is: Where were you in the last 10 years? Did you do something about PM’s corrupt practice as stated by yourselves? Why not before and now?
Also, The National on May 15 reported that Sir Puka Temu re-joined ODP.
From his comments it is very clear that he was loyal to PM for seven years because PM promised him for the ministerial portfolio of Petroleum and Energy after the 2012 election but that did not eventuate so he left.
This is childish. It is very clear that all leaders cry for power and not for the development of PNG.

West Taraka

Poor appearance:
To the television stations, it is disgusting seeing people appearing in the news with their mouth full of betel nut.
Can the crew or even the journalist avoid interviewing them?
Otherwise, ask them to clean themselves up before they get interviewed or appear on camera.
Even some of the current Members of Parliament have betel nut in their month while talking and appearing in the camera.
Let us set same standards before having people captured in the camera?

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