Letters in brief


Fund Kagua town:
As an elite from Kagua-Erave living and working outside, I thank Kagua-Erave MP Wesley Raminai and Prime Minister Peter O’Neill for the road sealing from Wara Yalo to Kagua station. I call on the MP to fund Kagua station’s township sealing as you planned and announced earlier on. Also do appointments for deceased officers. Completely overhaul your district administration because the rights of Kagua-Erave have been denied over the years.

Wambu Logo Palasi

Estate pose risk:
This is a classic case emerging for civil aviation in PNG. I am a onetime aircraft engineer who knew this issue would emerge. It is showing its tip now. Drones operated from Kennedy Estate may be an issue for some. For engineers, pilots and the aeronautical world, the whole Kennedy Estate poses a risk to the flight pathway. The housing estate is a liability that is waiting to sue the Government or the aviation industry, or vice-versa, when a plane and houses blow up in this housing estate. Are lasting corrective actions possible at this stage, using the drones as an opener to this issue? Over to you sir.

Concerned citizen
Port Moresby

Protection needed:
The string of hold-ups on vehicles by criminals (two or three) in a day along the Madang Town to Sagalau section of North Coast Road, must not be unnoticed by political leaders in the province. The simple villagers have lost a lot of money and goods. We demand at least some action be taken to protect us the travelling communities.
