Letters in brief


Investigate origin of virus:
THE World Health Organisation and the United Nations should independently commission experts to investigate the origin of the coronavirus (Covid-19). Many theories have drawn up to suspect that it is a biological weapon manufactured in a laboratory in China. Whether this is true or not, damage has been done bringing the world economy into recession with thousands of people dying so far. The world deserves to know the truth.


Patience is a virtue:
SUCCESS in most endeavours depend largely on perseverance. Whether it is mastering a new language, learning a trade, or even developing a relationship, most things of value are achieved only through sustained effort. Success is directly attributable to one thing: hard work! We talk about talent, we nod to luck, but so often, we ignore the most important things. The hard work and many failures. The arriving early and staying late.

Taylor Kabuino,

One thought on “Letters in brief

  • Dear LG, The World Health Organization and United Nation are all run my the Freemasons, even all the nations leaders (Presidents, Prime Ministers, Queen..etc) They won’t tell the truth because no truth in them. They are all one and they all serve on master. They all have one common agenda is the One World Order or a New World Order.

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