Letters in brief


Audit TFF funds:
WHAT we need urgently is now to set up auditing firms in provinces to monitor the how TFFs are used before principals of schools. There is evidence of TFF misuse in schools not adequately controlled. Thanks Minister Niningi, we want Nick Kuman to do things like that in many schools. Urgent need to set up auditing teams/firms in provinces.

Ronald Ango
Southern Highlands.

Jimi needs aid:
AN outback Jimi district lies in the far-flung wilderness of Jiwaka. A landscape like Jimi requires overseas technical expertise and international civil contractors to work. This is so their quality of job will withstand nature-created headaches and miseries. Before a foreign donor targets Jimi road, I say thank you to Australia, China, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, the United States of America and other foreign missions for their continuous assistance to PNG over the past years. This letter is an SOS call for the saddest district of PNG. A visitor to this part of the country is bound to shed tears for its struggles and plight.

Paul Minga
Voice for Jimi