Letters in brief


Recreational venue:
It is discomforting to watch Ensisi Valley youths train or play at other recreational venues. With a sizeable population, the suburb must have its own venue for sporting activities.
Yes, there existed a venue that was lost to urban rezoning. However, there are many sections and lots that are yet to be filled. Why not apply a few these lots to become a recreational zone. Such, is positive for the community and small businesses to thrive. All in all, every large suburb must have its own recreational venue.

Nosh Bie

Good start:
As a Chimbu man, I would like to commend newly-appointed provincial administrator Michael Temai for a good start. Under his administration they have worked hard to recoup every government asset that went missing including vehicles, computers and etc, which rightfully belongs to the people of Chimbu. He organised the public servants by giving them directive to move the province forward. It just the beginning. You gain the support. We hope what you are doing is seen by the silent majority watching you.


Misusing public funds:
Describing oneself as an ordinary citizen struggling to meet needs every day, letter writer Maran Kess Mamatsirah, on Feb 8 in The National, says most politicians are now using public money for their own interest and personal gain. “They enjoy luxuries at the expense of Papua New Guineans.
I am deeply concerned about how effective and serious our Government is in reducing unemployment and crime, eradicating income disparity between rich and poor, and most importantly, improving rundown health facilities. Most politicians are very incompetent, immature, retarded or ill minded.”

Rajend Naidu, Sydney