Letters in brief


Fighting corruption:
Papua New Guinea as a nation, with its law-abiding citizens, has witnessed enough instances of corruption. This major crime of serious nature being shelved away is an indication of corrupt leaders who have no regard and fear of the laws of our country. We see in our two daily newspapers in the world news column, news of world leaders such as presidents and prime ministers, implicated of minor offences prosecuted with harsh penalties such as life imprisonment and capital punishment. In Port Moresby, discussions for a change of dictatorship style of leadership are heard everywhere.

Ka Siwi-Alu Dam

Fee assistance:
I write on behalf of the majority of parents who are subsistence farmers in the villages of Markham district and their children who are now attending universities and colleges throughout PNG. Will the Markham district administration, under the good leadership of MP Koni Iguan, assist in paying school fees for these tertiary students? I know this may not be a policy of the district, but at least as our MP, we ask if you can allocate funds purposely for that. If other Open MPs in PNG can do it for their students, I see no reason why Markham district can’t do likewise.

Concerned Parent

This is an open issue for the attention of the ministers of Lands and Works and Implementation with their respective executives. Illegal land grabbing around Kagamuga, from the new Kui Wamp Nga High School towards Hati turnoff, needs to be looked into. All that parcel of land referred to is State land. Certain “landowners” are putting up shanty buildings along the road corridor in the hope of profiting.

Whistle Blower

One thought on “Letters in brief

  • Every 22 district has got there own BPC. This committee is supposedly establish under the act of the Finance Management to over see the operation of the Districts.
    Joint District Budget Priority committee is to decide on there Budget and Markham has no option and they need to adapt the this .
    If they are confuse simply seek assistance from the office of National Planning

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