Letters in brief


Pay issue:
I am here again with another issue of the 3 per cent pay increase for teachers. The government is yet to honour its promise. This will be pay 7, with pay 6 behind us but with no increase paid. The government should clarify if teachers will get a 3 per cent pay rise or not. Teachers deserve to know.

Amnama, Lae

Racist violence:
Professor Kathleen Belew, of the University of Chicago’s Department of History, in her PBS NewsHour interview on Mar 15, said the Christchurch massacre was another manifestation of the global “white power movement”. An attempt to restore white dominance and white rule over people of colour. I think she has a good handle on where the racist violence of the Christchurch Muslim massacre comes from. White supremacists continue to have a romantic nostalgia for that imagined idyllic world. We must guard against them and the danger they present to civilised society.

Rajend Naidu, Sydney

Falling apart:
The Lombas rural aid post in Wapenamanda, Enga, situated in the heart of the mighty Miok tribe (Limanda village), is collapsing. Negligence by successive elected MPs who followed Sir Pato Kakaraya has contributed to the decline. The Lombas aid post is one of the oldest and more famous standing. It was established under Sir Pato’s leadership before independence and served thousands of people for more than 40 years. Local MP and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Rimbink Pato should step in and get the aid post fixed.

Alason N Tanga

Lost credit:
I topped-up up my phone with K3 credit and bought a K1 one-day data twice, a total of K2 which should have left me a balance of K1. I checked the data balance on my phone and I had sufficient units, but when I checked the phone credits, the K1 credit had disappeared and I was left with a zero balance. This is not the first time that this has happened. If this is happening on a regular basis to everyone, it builds up to a tidy sum for the phone company.

Huha Avia, Doru, NCD