Letters in brief


Where’s the money?
Digicel needs to explain why their system seems to reduce the balance of a customer’s credits without reason. Can the Independent Consumer and Competition Commission, National Information and Communications Technology Authority and any other relevant authority help?


Correction, Maru:
I wish to correct an announcement by National Planning Minister Richard Maru that Prime Minister Peter O’Neill will sign the Pacific Marine Industrial Zone loan in China next month. That is the mandated responsibility of the Treasurer and he alone can delegate who to sign on behalf of the Government. It is not proper for the PM to sign, although he can witness the event should he be in China at the time on another business. Maru was one of those ministers seen by locals at the site with the contractors and has some explaining to do to clarify Governor Peter Yama’s concerns.


Teachers shackled:
Teachers’ right to seek alternative means of finance to support their families has been taken away. While we wait for the outcome of investigations into the salaries section of the Education Department to be made public, someone from the department should still let teachers know when they will again be allowed to get loans from financial institutions?

Affected, EHP

Education policy:
The Government’s free-education policy is taking the load off parents. While some parents think the policy is good, I think it is not helping the people who need help most. The subsidy should be focused on university and college students because of the high fees they pay. For students in elementary up to grade 12, their school fees are affordable and they, therefore, don’t need as much help. Many students at universities and colleges are withdrawing and returning home because their parents cannot afford the fees.

Elizah Tep
Mt Hagen