Make the right choices


WHEN we are babies we cannot make any choices.
The adults who take of us make all these choices for us.
As we grow up we all need to make choices.
Therefore, as we become teenager or adults we learn to make important or difficult choices, meaning that we must learn to think wiser when making choices.
For instance, when we are playing too much in school and not concentrating in our schoolwork and end up scoring bad marks in our tests and want a change for it.
Then we must make a suitable choice when we are able to do and follow to improve our marks in school.
When we are in an extended family or unclean family we must learn to make the right choice for the families.
For instance, being responsible for one another. Family choices are very important because they keep families together.
When making choices we must make sure it won’t affect our lives but help us.
When we are making choices that are wrong we end up hurting ourselves, being hopeless and mostly regret about the choices that they have made.
But if we make the right choice than nothing will happen because the choices that we’ve made was right and won’t affect us.
Choices are very common in PNG right now, because if we are making choices we must sit down and think carefully about it.
If we think is good to make it then we must make sure we won’t end up arguing and fighting with our families.
That is why making choices helps us to do the right things but not the wrong things.
So my suggestion is that we all must be wise thinkers when it comes to making choices in life.
Because it will affect us in our life time.

Keala Vuivagi, 8 D, Wardstrip
Demonstration Primary School