Make tougher laws for adultery


ADULTERY is committed when a spouse engages in voluntary sexual intercourse with a person other than his/her spouse.
A person commits enticement where when he/she persuades or attempts to persuade another person’s spouse to commit adultery whether or not the contemplated act of adultery is committed.
Different charges are given accordingly.
However, in our society, marrying more than one wife appears to be a norm.
Most men who commit enticement and adultery get away with it even though there are laws against the acts.
They continue to get away with it probably because they see that the penalties are not harsh enough and the law enforcers are not tough enough.
Adultery and enticement continue to contribute to the rising number of family and sexual violence cases in the country.
Children are affected as a result.
Some children are forced to leave school because of issues with their parents.
Others, especially teenage girls get pregnant as a result.
Boys are at risk of engaging in illegal activities.
In the worst cases, adultery leads to war between tribes which leads to loss of lives, properties damaged and there is no peace and order in communities.
Government services do not reach people as a result of tribal wars.
Adultery also contributes to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
This causes families to spend resources on medical expenses.
Some lose their jobs.
Societies lose their good reputation over adultery and enticement.
Given the problems associated with adultery, our authorities should address it.
Stop accepting it as a cultural norm.
Stop regarding it as minor offence.
It is a serious issue that is ruining lives.
Perpetrators should be dealt with severely.
In doing so, there would be peace and harmony in our families.
It is time for a change.
Let’s remove the old negative habits and ways of doing things that drag the country down the drain.
It is time for the people and the Government to implement and practice the positive strategies and cultures that will move the country forward.
Papua New Guineas is coined “paradise” on our national emblem.
We live in a beautiful country with strong moral and Christian values.
Let’s portray the real characteristics and qualities of being the real paradise and the people of God.

Vincent Tambure