Marijuana trade alarming


THE trading of marijuana is now becoming a normal thing at bus stops where betel nut trading takes place.
Vendors know who to sell marijuana to and they put it in parcels and place them next to empty boxes or among the betel nut husks beside betel nut traders. Buyers, both male and female, as young as primary students come to buy it.
Word on the street is that, those who take marijuana prefer to take it with alcohol.
It makes you high, they say.
What false impression is thit?
Marijuana has mind-altering compounds that affect both your brain and body.
It can be addictive, and it may be harmful to some people’s health. Marijuana also affects brain development.
When teenagers smoke marijuana, it impairs their thinking, memory, learning abilities and affecting how their brain connections between the areas necessary for these functions.
Researchers are still searching for how long marijuana’s effects last and whether some changes are permanent.
These children presume they are the coolest kids on the block but the damages done to their body would have lasting effects.
Just a suggestion for our police, try move around in unmarked vehicles to marijuana selling hot spots and arrest anyone who is in possession.
We need more police presence in such areas to deter the sales.

Concerned Mother