Markham looking forward to change

Letters, Normal

The National, Friday July 20th, 2012

THE newly-elected member for Mark­­ham, Paul Ezekiel, has shown that he is the clear choice of the 20,000 people in the electorate.
We look forward to seeing  him bring much-needed leadership and development.
In the past 20 years, many of our members de­livered more hot air than services.
While we understand that it is impossible to deliver everything within five years, we expect to see some improvement in vital services.
We need roads for the people of Leron Wantoat, Ufim Het-wara, Onga Wafa, Awara and Wawisi Gusap.
Water problems in the valley were not addressed by past members.
We look to Ezekiel to solve it once and for all.
We hope that he will serve with full commitment and the Markham people will know what to do when the next election comes along.
We also thank out-going MP Koni Iguan.
Now that the election is over, we call on everyone in Markham to work together in bringing the much-needed services.
Let the days of walking up and down hills for days just to reach the main roads be a thing of the past.

UPNG Markham students
Port Moresby