Markham presents district plan


HEALTH, education and road infrastructures are priority programmes for Markham’s five-year district plan that was presented to National Planning in Port Moresby last Thursday.
Markham MP Koni Iguan said the district was the most populous area in the province and most areas had no road.
“People have to walk days to get basic services like health and education.”
Iguan said they planned to make its health centre a rural hospital because it served the Markham highway.
“Any accident that occurs along the highway, the small health centre serves the people, therefore making it a hospital is a priority,” Iguan said.
With education, there are plans to establish three high schools within the three local level government areas.
Two have been established, at Umi-Atzera LLG and in the Leron-Wantuat LLG. The provincial education board has recently approved that the other high school will be at the Ong-Waffia LLG, he said.
He said that with the roading, they are looking at linking Wantuat and Kabwum in Markham and Kabwum electorate. Plans are taking place to build a road from Markham to Obura-Wonenara district in Eastern Highlands.
“Both districts are working in partnership to link up that road which will become the back road linking Morobe and Highlands.”
National Planning Minister Richard Maru said it was important for districts to align their plans with the medium-term development plan and Markham clearly showed they had done that.
“You already have your plans. Road infrastructures, power, resources, you are a province and a district that is ready to go,” Maru said. “All you need is for you to do your part in land mobilisation, and our part as the government is to support you with your plans and unleash the potentials of Markham Valley to even greater heights.”