Match made in Kimbe: 49 couples tie knot en masse


FORTY-nine couples tied the knot during a mass wedding in Kimbe, West New Britain, recently.
The ceremony was organised by the West New Britain Health Authority under its gender equity and social inclusion programme initiated three years ago.
Programme manager Josepha Nambasai initiated the project in 2015.
However, he said the programme was delayed due to a change in management.
The mass wedding was approved by the board recently.
The authority embarked on the programme to create a conducive working environment for its staff by guaranteeing security and harmony in homes.
All health workers have a demanding job and it is paramount to have understanding spouses who can keep up with the nature and demand of their jobs.
“The programme aims to provide security for our staff spouses to create an effective contribution from all staff by knitting the family units of staff through legalising their marriage,” Nambasai said.