Mixing God’s word with politics


IT is rather sad to see so many self-professed people dramatising their own political opinion in the social media to raise public support for the wrong reason.
I really fail to understand when so called Christians in this self-proclaimed Christian country have cried bitterly for God to intervene and give a good government with a good prime minister to take the country forward in 2017.
Why cry foul in the middle to remove an annointed person prematurely?
People don’t know that Grand Chief Somare unconsciously gave his seat to Peter O’Neill who was then Minister for Public Service when Somare visited Pangia between 2009 and 2010.
What was a PNG coastal customary belief and superstition not to sit on allocated chair as it has been spoiled with bad spell has led to the swap of chairs between Somare and O’Neill (Somare listened to his coastal protocol/CPO’s advice).
Later, the hospitalisation of Sir Michael in Singapore and the political drama spearheaded by Belden Namah was a formality to make way for O’Neill, a very quiet soft spoken politician to raise to the limelight.
He was put there by divine intervention to bring the digital age into PNG or the country will be left behind.
Any other person who will take over as PM after O’Neill knows because God has already alerted him or her when the time is right.
It is so sad to see many confused Christians mixing God’s word with cheap politics. Please read the Word of God and meditate for his wisdom to flow through.


One thought on “Mixing God’s word with politics

  • GS or g string speak for yourself.
    Mixing up all your words. eat your own vomit….
    Put there by Divine Intervention ? grazias, you are one pervert , low life village person. Go back home, u and ur crook pm.
    both of you are already crazy…..mental.pulap

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