Money does not add value to integrity, character

Letters, Normal

The National, Wednesday 19th of February, 2014

INTEGRITY is priceless.
It graphically defines the value of humanity.
It  is  something not sold in stores nor does it have a market.
Integrity is gained when one makes a decision based on values rather than personal gain.
Money does not add value to humanity.
Money is a non-living thing accepted as legal tender by law.
It is sad to see that people go so low for money; people lie and steal, thinking that the accumulation of money adds value to who they are.
Young  girls  get  married to  married men, thinking that more resources  and  more  money would add value to their lives.
We have lost the point here.
The very act that people do for money, thinking  that it adds value, devalues them.
The sad thing is we think it is the right thing to do because it is deemed normal in the society we live in.
I call on those people who stoop too low for money to wake up and see  yourself as more valuable than money.
Money cannot  buy you  and  you must understand your own value.
If we could only see ourselves from that perspective, most of our problems instigated by the love of money can be solved.
Character is more valuable than money.
Live to build your character, not to diminish your character for money.

Aipi Mandauwan
Via email