Money suspected to be behind move


MINISTERS and MPs joined the Opposition for their own self-interest.
The MPs themselves know if the move was done free of will or if they fell for a couple of million kina.
There’s suspicion that millions of kina were involved in the movement of MPs strengthened by the passage of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Bill in Parliament just days before.
The corrupt, including civil servants, know that their evil activities will eventually catch up with them.
These events would be a hot campaign issue come 2022 national elections.
Therefore, joining the Opposition means overthrowing the Marape-led Government and undo everything the regime has done to address corruption.
Corruption is endemic in this resources rich yet poor country.
Some respectable ministers and MPs who crossed should think seriously and return to the Government.

Disappointed Citizen,


  • There is no doubt about that….money driven for the first time MPs and greed for the long term corrupt MPs who must master the numbers to get into power to safe themselves from being caught by Independent Commission Against Corruption Act.

    “You can run but you can’t hide”


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