Monitor Facebook


FACEBOOK is a social media platform to interact and communicate.
In Papua New Guinea, Facebook is becoming a debating field for everyone.
People have created Facebook forums and invited friends to join the group in a sense of communication.
Users debate over current issues in PNG in these groups.
Some users create fake accounts using the names and pictures of our leaders.
Many fake users’ main target is to bring confusion and argument in social media.
They use second-hand information from mainstream media and come up their own versions.
Other keyboard warriors work for their leaders and praise them as kings.
Remember, not all PNG citizens are Facebook users.
Only a handful of PNG citizens use Facebook and some of the people don’t know how Facebook works.
The Government should monitor social media.
Facebook has resulted in killings, divorce, family problems, prostitution and exchange of phone numbers which is a norm nowadays.
Information technology and internet service providers should look into this and ban fake users for a healthy social media environment.
Put a security network which can monitor this situation.

Concern PNG citizen LK