More join PNC’s Alotau camp

Main Stories, National

The National, Friday July 27th, 2012

NUMBERS are swelling for the People’s National Congress Party’s camp in Alotau with the inclusion of all the other coalition parties.
The National Broadcasting Commission reported yesterday that PNC and its coalition partners have a total of 45 members present in Alotau.
Our tally puts the emerging coalition on 57 members with the supposed inclusion of the United Resources Party’s three members.
That is one more than the absolute majority of 56 required to elect the Prime Minister.
The following table below shows the way parties stand as of yesterday.
Two independents in Yangoru-Saussia’s Richard Maru and Mendi’s De Kewanu have thrown in their lot with O’Neill’s group.
Two others who are listed on the PNG Electoral Commission listing as independents are actually said to be endorsed candidates. Kagua-Erave’s James Lagea belongs to People’s United Assembly and Wabag’s Robert Ganim is People’s Party.