Morobe needs a decisive leader

Letters, Normal

The National – Friday, June 17, 2011

A PERSON’S leadership is tested during the time of crisis and how the person brings the situation under control.
In the last few months, many letters to the editor questioned the leadership qualities of Morobean leaders, particularly those based in Lae.
There are so many issues affecting Lae such as its roads, settlements, va­gran­cy, ethnic conflicts, lack of services, etc.
When are our leaders going to take responsibility to resolve these issues?
The ethnic clashes will continue to increase more people come to the province and take over land, business and others.
Morobeans are easy-going but they cannot be suppressed forever. 
Settlements not only provide a huge pool of labour but are also breeding grounds of illegal acti­vities and source of most trouble.
As it is, mv Morobe is lurching from side to side because of a weak leadership.
The province needs a decisive leader to clean up the place and out a stop the rot.


Bapa Bomoteng