MP-elect plans to assess funds


By PISAI GUMAR in Gorage, Buang
MARKHAM MP-elect Koni Iguan intends to have the district’s finances independently audited before services are implemented.
Iguan said he hoped to use lessons learnt from the past and his experience over the last five-10 years. He was unseated by Paul Isikiel in the 2012 election.
“I have learnt from my mistakes and past failures, where I left off, because most projects initiated during my tenure still remain incomplete” Iguan told The National.
“I will also implement projects, if any, initiated by the ousted MP and the district development authority under his leadership based on  assessments and their tangible impacts to serve people. But I want to verify how financial resources were used,” he said.
Iguan said that the financial situation in district was a concern and he wanted an assessment of that.
“We can talk and plan projects but the financial capacity determines the progress of service delivery” he said.
Iguan said his return reflected the trust and confidence that he had instilled in people during his tenure from 2007-2012.
“Priority is to be given to revisit and resurrect those projects (he had left unfinished) and  ensure immediate needs like rural electrification and agriculture projects are implemented to sustain people” he said.