Namah paid a great tribute for Sir Mekere


I ATTENDED the State funeral service for late Sir Mekere Morauta at the Sione Kami Memorial church on Jan 8.
I appreciate our good Opposition Leader Belden Namah for the eloquent and fitting tribute paid to the late knight and national icon.
Namah paid that tribute from the bottom of his heart, deeply sincere and truly so on behalf of all honest and humble citizens of our nation.
In this time of our nation’s development, many of our elected leaders are putting on masks and hoods over their faces to protect greed and lies at the expense of our people.
The message is this, life goes on beyond the grave.
Every one of us will give an account of himself or herself on that appointed time.
Sir Mekere served his God, nation, family and others with exemplary leadership and high distinction.
He had accomplished his earthly purpose fully.
Can we all – leaders and citizens alike, learn from Sir Mekere’s humility and meekness, truthfulness, just, transparency and accountability, high moral and godliness of which his leadership qualities were defined, so that we can bring meaningful changes to our nation and society?
Thank you Namah for the well-spoken tribute.

Emmanuel Allen Mungu
Port Moresby