Nambawan Super members get chance to meet management


Members of Nambawan Super Ltd (NSL) in Western Highlands had the opportunity to meet board directors and members of the executive management team during a recent visit to Mt Hagen.
The directors were in Mt Hagen for their meeting.
While there, the board visited local businesses in the Western Highlands and conducted a member engagement.
Chairman Anthony Smare said three years ago, the board decided to start including member engagements in whatever province a board meeting was held.
This is so the board is more in touch with its membership.
Since then the board has had engagements with members in Wewak, Alotau, Lae and Mt Hagen.
Smare said these engagements with members allowed the board to hear firsthand issues affecting them and helps guide decisions that it made for the fund.
During the member engagement, members had the opportunity to ask questions about the future of the fund.
Investee companies were also invited to these member engagements as it was an opportunity to showcase some of the companies that the fund invested in.
Paradise Foods is one company that has participated and showcased in a big way.
Members were encouraged to support investee companies and take pride that they were part-owners in companies like Paradise Foods. The membership committee, made up of union representatives from the main employer groups, also attended the meeting.
These representatives are the voice of the members at the board level.
Their prerogative is to protect the interests of members.