NCD police


IT is quite disturbing to note NCD Police Metsup seeking funding from major businesshouses in the nation’s capital city.
This is supposedly to set up a database for a managementsystem.
While the reasoning for the request is genuine, one wonders whether the Police Department’s annual budget caters for such operational requirements.
Inside police stations throughout the country, we still see personnel manually handling and entering reported cases and other day-to-day activities.
It is no wonder there have been recent reports of delayed case investigations and or ill-prepared police cases being dismissed by the courts.
How much longer are we going to allow such manual practices to continue during this advanced technological day and age?
Police Commissioner Gari Baki should take this issue seriously and start modernising this area of police day-to-day operations.
This is where law and order issues are first reported, screened and managed.
It should thus should be given top priority.

Lawrence Billy
Hospital Hill, Lae