NCDC should takeover transport


IT is time for National Capital District (NCD) Governor Powes Parkop and the NCD Commission to run the city transport.
The transport system is essential for the city to progress economically and minimise petty crimes in the city.
The current city transport system does not have proper mechanism and capacity to run public transport to maintain the city standard for many years and the successive governments have ignored.
Transport is an important part of the economy.
Travelling using PMVs does not guarantee the safety of the travelling public as it is not safe for the women and children to travel.
Tourists find it hard to travel too because there are no proper guides that lead them to their destinations.
The PMV operators and owners are unorganised because they have no proper time schedule.
They do not complete their routes and do not dress appropriately as professionals.
Some of them have caused inconvenience to students, the working class and visitors that is why I beleive NCD Commission should take over the city transportation system.
Time is important for any city or country to progress.

N.A. Boyce
Port Moresby, NCD

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