Nene’s assault need action


THE public and rugby league fans want to know if the off-duty policeman who attacked Kumuls star Nene MacDonald has being arrested and charged with the assault.
It is vital that the policeman be charged for inciting violence and intending to cause serious injury.
The policeman’s action is disgraceful and an embarrassment to the police force.
The PNG Rugby Football League must not allow this incident to be swept under the carpet because this is a test of their policy to stand against violence in any form.
PNGRFL must get a written statement from Nene and press charges against the police officer.
There is video evidence and witnesses too and PNGRFL must act now, so high-profile Kumul stars can still have confidence and trust in the governing body.
Police brutality must stop because it has degraded the good image of the force.
It is now up to the PNGRFL to step up and make a difference, starting with Nene’s case.
A strong message must be sent to such cowardly policemen and self-centered individuals who think they are invincible and above the law.PNGRFL is a promoter of gender equality and opposes any form of violence. Nene’s incident is no different. PNGRFL, let’s practise what we promote and preach.
Say no to violence.

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