New church teaching


The report (The National Oct 11) regarding the new church, New Guinea Independent Church, cannot go unchallenged.
Papua New Guinea is a Christian country and every genuine Christian will agree that there is only one God – God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, a unity of three co-eternal persons.
The Bible is the written word of God and as we read from Genesis to Revelation, there is evidence and proof that there is only one God and three co- existing persons in the godhead.
The Bible does not prove God’s existence but assumes it with the opening text of the Bible.
The question is, where did Kayaeng Rabisang get the fourth person of the godhead (Fire Holy Spirit) from? Satan is very cunning in these last days and can use anyone or churches as mediums to implement his plans, therefore our faith must be grounded and rooted in the truth of the Bible and not in new teachings and traditions of men apart from the word of God.

Leighton Kasimo
Mt Hagen