North Fly plans to set up halal certification facility, export meat

James Donald

NORTH Fly in Western wants to establish a halal certification facility to allow the export of meat to Asian markets, MP James Donald says.
Donald said halal was a certification requirement by Muslims.
Therefore, products without halal certification could not be exported.
North Fly will be seeking the assistance of Asian investors, preferably Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines to invest in the facility.
North Fly will provide the land for the facility.
“Asian economies — such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, India and China — are mostly Muslims,” Donald said.
“Therefore, halal certification is a requirement that must be met before we can export our meat products to these economies.”
“If we want to export beef or chicken (not pork), they must be processed into halal standard and only in a halal abattoir.”
Donald plans to work with the Ministry of Livestock on the district’s plan.
“For North Fly and Western, we are close by,”he said.
“One of our first focus is invite Asian investors to assist in setting up halal certification facility.”