Not a public toilet area


SINCE this building that was erected on Allotment 08, Section 81, Siai Street at Manu Korobosea, was dismantled by NCD on May 17, 2019 the vacant allotment has now become a no man’s land and an open public toilets area.
Despite the whole frontage fence having been removed thus offering no privacy whatsoever from the public, passersby and passing vehicles including the NCD Reserve /Regular Police, people (men, women, teenagers, etc,) have been using this open vacant area day and night as a public toilets area.
On average someone is urinating there about every 1-2 hours during the day without a care in the world that they are semi exposing themselves in public.
Tale tell smells suggest people also defecate on the vacant allotment at night because the block is in total darkness at night.
This is totally illegal under the public health regulations thus giving rise to potential risks of diseases emanating from these unhygienic practices.
The stench is also getting increasingly intolerable and unbearable by the day.
The neighbours are now calling on the NCD Building Board and Physical Planning, Health inspectors and the legal and rightful owner of this tenement to address this issue, that is re-erect the front spike fence with a lockable gate.
As it is it presents a very poor image of the country’s capital to its various foreign mission heads/offices and its wider international business community and guests at large.

Manu resident