Not the right time to rock the country

Letters, Normal

The National

IN this crucial time when the Government is in the midst of finalising the nation’s multi-billion kina LNG project, I raise my hand to give the Government a vote of confidence.
Asking Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare to step aside or moving a vote of no-confidence is shallow, childish, cheap and detrimental to our economic stability and growth.
Any nation’s growth and progress can only be achieved through political stability.
We have, so far, seen only one complete term in our political history – the current Government from 2002-07.
If you study the governments of the world, they are only changed through the ballot box when the term expires or snap elections.
The oppositions do not push for change of government because of personal agendas.
Change is a gradual thing and it does not happen overnight.
We must speak through the ballot box, not vote of no-confidence.
Past votes of no-confidence affected our progress and growth because we have to go back to the drawing board.
The Government should be given due diligence to act on our behalf.
There is a huge difference between a born leader and a normal leader.
The Chief is a born leader.
He has been bestowed with the wisdom to lead.
Otherwise, he would have been replaced a long time ago.
We have six Prime Ministers but no one can match Sir Michael.
All have in one way or the other brought this nation into disarray.
Our people are not poor. We own the land, forest, gardens and, most of all, kinship.
It is the basic services that we are rated against to determine where we lie on the poverty line.
These basic services can only reach the rural settings when we have a stable Government.
No one can claim that they can change things overnight when they get into power.
As such, many of our MPs have misled their voters.
Although it is a democratic right to public opinion, the non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and pressure groups are also detrimental to our economic progress.
Empty drums do make a lot of noise and we have to be mindful of whose interests we are representing.
Most of us seem to be representing the minority in Port Moresby whilst the bulk of the population is looking forward to projects being promised by their respective Members.
The University of PNG students should likewise weigh out what is best for them.
They should study rather than pursue political agendas that may jeopardise the hopes and dreams of their parents.
We appreciate your representations but not in the name of political instability.
The message here, therefore, is allow political stability to reign so we can see some tangible benefits and real economic growth.
We should criticise the Government constructively rather than play cheap politics.
Let the ballot box decide who returns in 2012.


Timothy Pirinduo
Port Moresby