Our mind holds the key


IT is very easy to give up in life when things aren’t going well.
For students, who sat for examinations last year, it is common to feel down when your name does not come out to continue your education.
There is what some writers call two news reporters in our mind.
One is the positive reporter and the other is the negative reporter.
Whatever reporter plays in your mind, is the one you allow.
If you look down on yourself, just know that the negative reporter is in charge.
So, when you look down on yourself, you will feel down.
Then doubt creeps in and the future will seem useless.
As the negative reporter continue, the victim will start getting involved in bad activities and habits such as drinking alcohol or smoking marijuana.
The important thing is to know that we are the master of our lives.
We choose what happens to us.
I will never forget the time I got my suspension letter from the Divine Word University in Madang.
I knew that I was the one in control to either allow the positive reporter or the negative one to intervene.
I smiled at the suspension letter and said; you will never dictate my future.
Months later, I was standing in Shangai Airport in China.
Two months later, I was standing in Changi airport at Singapore.
My dream of travelling the world was not stopped by a suspension letter.
Don’t get me wrong. For if it was not for God, I would still be a failure.
My dear reader, if everything is going well for you, then am proud of you.
But if you are someone who comes from a broken home, fails your exam, does not have money for school fee or facing some sort of challenges, whether you come out stronger or be a victim depends on which reporter you allow to report in your mind.
The bottom line is, you are the captain of your own ship.
It is not the problem that is the problem, it’s how you react to the problem that make’s it become a problem.

Glen Burua