Our teachers deserve better


I WAS surprised to read that many teachers have been experiencing pay cuts in the past three fortnights.
The people of this country should know many of us have relatives who are teachers and they contribute to our wellbeing.
It could have been a teacher who raised you, paid your school fees, taught your child, and taught your parent, your spouse, etc, and helped you live the way you are living right now.
You are earning K1 or K2 from street sales because you have learnt to add and subtract.
You are reading this post and will type your response because of your teacher.
Teachers are the backbone of this country. Never once did we hear anything bad from our political leaders about the country’s economy.
The prime minister keeps saying we are okay. His bureaucrats are saying the same thing.
To every question, the prime minister has an answer.
I feel that teachers have been and are continuing to be made scapegoats of the mismanagement of this country’s economy.
They were promised pay increase a long time ago, then we realised that it was only intended to help the government win re-election. Not so long ago, teachers experienced delays in the payment of their wages, which was conveniently blamed on the payroll system in Treasury.
Teachers are faithful taxpayers, so why do this to them?

Kiunga, Western