Partnership hosts 2-day eye screening tests in Kiunga

Health Watch

EYE screening is needed in the communities to identify vision problems and eye disorders which require early treatment, according to the Pacific International Hospital (PIH).
At a free eye screening camp organised by PIH two weeks ago in Kiunga, Western, 230 cases were attended to by a team of specialists.
Of the 230, 57 were suffering from cataract – the clouding of the normally clear lens of the eye that can be treated through surgery.
Other cases included those requiring eyelid surgeries and refractive errors.
The cases will be operated on at a PIH surgery camp using theater facilities belonging to the Kiunga Provincial Hospital.
The surgery will help in the complete recovery from blindness due to cataract and other vision related problems.
PIH will continue with more such initiatives to make quality healthcare accessible to the people of PNG.
The screening camp was held on June 10 and 11, organised by the Western Medicare Clinic in Kiunga and assisted by Lotic Bige Ltd.