Partnership paves way for new market to serve community


MOROBE’S Markham development authority (DDA), in partnership with local landowners at Mutzing opened a new market facility on Friday.
The market cost more than K500,000 to construct.
The market, which will be opened for next month, will allow people to sell their produce in a safe and secured area.
MP Koni Iguan said the establishment of the facility would get people away from the current site which was close to the main Highlands Highway.
“In the past many people have lost their lives. There were no proper facilities like market beds but with the new market, these problems will be solved,” he said.
Iguan said the new market would also have toilets and showers built later and there would be an area at the back of the market where a structure would be built and divided for people to rent out to use for other businesses such as a trade store, food bar, second hand clothing and others.
The market has three sheds built, complete with market beds and the fourth completed with a barbecue stand where people can cook food to sell.
Member for Kagua-Erave Wesley Raminai said the Markham people had the potential to venture into SMEs.
“You are on the main highway and the new market is sure to help you in generating income,” he said.
He said people needed to be smart and take advantage of the opportunities the DDA and their MP was creating.
“The National Government has put in K200 million in this year’s budget for people to access and get involved in SMEs so this is a greater opportunity for you to make good use and develop yourself,” he said.
National Planning and Monitoring Minister Sam Basil urged the people of Markham to turn to agriculture.